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        石磨豆腐是怎么制作出來的 ?



        Stone ground tofu is a kind of green food with high nutritional value, which is made by the combination of modern technology and traditional technology. In the past, stone tofu was made by driving the stone mill to rotate with the power of human or animal, while the production technology of modern stone tofu is combined with the machine, and the machine generates power to drive the stone mill, which saves time and improves efficiency.
        電動石磨豆?jié){機傳統(tǒng)的石磨與現(xiàn)代的磨漿機原理融為一體的石磨機械, 產(chǎn)品在不改變研磨原理,改用電力推動,為、綠色、的新型食品加工機械電動石磨,磨齒均勻運轉(zhuǎn)速度慢所磨制的豆類產(chǎn)品充分保留了豆類的本色及純正香味,不僅豆制品含量高、營養(yǎng)成分多,而且漿質(zhì)細膩,豆香濃郁,又保留了豆類產(chǎn)品所富含的多種微量元素, 磨出的豆?jié){既均勻又細能讓豆類產(chǎn)品充分釋放蛋白質(zhì),含有的獨特礦物質(zhì)與大豆營養(yǎng)元素天然混合、渾然一體。
        Electric stone mill soybean milk machine is a stone mill machine integrating the principles of traditional stone mill and modern pulp mill. The products are driven by electricity without changing the grinding principle. It is a new type of food processing machine with high efficiency, green and environmental protection. The electric stone mill has uniform grinding teeth and slow operation speed. The price of the ground beans fully retains the natural color and pure flavor of beans, not only the content of bean products is high It has many nutrients, fine pulp quality and rich bean flavor, and retains a variety of trace elements rich in the price of bean products. The ground soybean milk is both uniform and fine, which can fully release protein from bean products. The unique minerals contained are naturally mixed and integrated with soybean nutrients.
        Stone ground tofu is carefully rolled by an electric stone ground soybean milk machine. Unlike tofu produced by pure machinery, the protein in tofu is lost due to its high for a long time. In addition, stone ground tofu has complete block shape, moderate hardness, fine texture, no impurities, special flavor and pure fragrance. The color is white with a slight yellow, elastic and excellent taste.
        Preparation method of stone ground tofu
        1. Raw material treatment. Remove the shell and screen the soybeans, wash them and soak them in the pool. Soak them for 10 ~ 12 hours in winter and 7 ~ 8 hours in summer. The soaking time must be well controlled and can not be too long, otherwise you will lose the pulp head and can't make tofu.
        2. Grind Soybean milk. After the soybeans are soaked, the water will submerge the soybeans, and the soymilk will be grinded by Xijiang electric stone mill. Because Xijiang electric stone mill adopts advanced technology, the soaked soybeans can be placed on the stone mill discharge tank at one time, instead of adding soybeans and water to the stone mill as a traditional stone mill. Grinding soybean milk is the work of filtering soybean milk!
        3. Make soybean milk. After boiling the water, flush it into the ground soybean milk. During the flushing process, stir and flush it at the same time to make it flush evenly. This step can make soybean milk more uniform, high milk yield and richer filtered soybean milk. (boiling water is better than cold water for soybean milk)
        4. Filter soybean milk. Pour the flushed soybean milk into the filter barrel for filtration. During filtration, do not let the bean curd residue mix into the soybean milk, otherwise the bean curd will not be tender and smooth. During the filtration process, keep adding water to the filter barrel. The amount of water does not need to be too large, and the milk can be flushed.
        5. Boil and dot the pulp. Pour the filtered raw pulp into the pot and boil it. Do not cover the lid of the pot, while boiling and skimming the foam on the surface. The fire should be big, but not too fierce to prevent the overflow of soybean milk after boiling. Soymilk can be boiled to 90 ~ 110 ℃. Insufficient temperature or too long time will affect the quality of soybean milk. Dissolve an appropriate amount of edible magnesium chloride (Salt Point) in water, flush the solution into the soybean milk just scooped out from the pot, gently stir it with a spoon, and after a few minutes, the soybean milk condenses into tofu flowers. (according to the different flavor of each place, the point slurry can be brine point, salt point or gypsum point)
        6. Press tofu. Gently scoop the ordered tofu flowers into a wooden basket (or other container) with a spoon. When it is full, wrap the tofu flowers with cloth, cover the board, and press for 1-2 hours to form tofu!
        Nutritional value of stone ground tofu:
        Stone tofu does not add any additives in the production process, which is in line with the concept of green, healthy and long life. It contains high-quality protein, which can reduce blood pressure, blood lipid and cholesterol.
        Stone ground tofu is a tonic, heat clearing and health preserving food. Regular eating can tonify the middle and Qi, clear away heat and moisten dryness, generate saliva and quench thirst, and clean the intestines and stomach. It is more suitable for eating hot body, halitosis, thirst, stomach and stomach, and after heat illness. Modern medicine has proved that tofu not only has the functions of increasing nutrition, helping digestion and increasing appetite, but also is quite beneficial to the growth and development of teeth and bones (there is also calcium king in fruit - acid horn), which can increase the content of iron in blood in hematopoietic function; Tofu does not contain cholesterol. It is a medicinal food for patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease. It is also a good food therapy for children, the sick and the elderly. Tofu is rich in phytoestrogen, which plays a good role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. It also has the function of inhibiting breast cancer, prostate cancer and blood cancer. Sterols and soybean sterols in tofu are all effective components of cancer suppression.
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